Our Mission
To keep the 12 historic locks operating
To keep the canal shippable
To engage the regional communities in the valuation of the canal’s economic potential

Twelve hand-operated historic locks decorate your journey downward, from the Ruhlsdorf lock (52.837671, 13.594390) down to Niederfinow (52.849197, 13.953730), the location of the 80-year old historic ship lift. Each of these locks represents the technology of the 1870’s.
The upkeep of these locks requires certain expenses which have been carried by every German government ever since. But not anymore. Our current government thinks that money spent for „nothing but tourism“ is a waste.
We beg to disagree. The livelihood of several generations of our ancestors depended on the transportation capabilities of the Finow Canal. Without its locks there would have been no industries and no economic development in our region. And no city of Eberswalde.
The Finow Canal with its twelve historic locks is our technological and cultural heritage well worth preserving. We want generations after ours to be able to travel down the thundering water of one-thousand tons of Finow Canal water at each stage, we want to tell the story of the region, we want to bring new life to our canal.
Without public funding, the first locks are threatening to collapse. If the first lock actually collapses, the hopes of people in the region investing in water tourism businesses will end for good. Therefore we, the Friends of The Finow Canal Initiative, lobby for the survival of our regional heritage.
Please send comments to: info@unser-finowkanal.de
© 2022 | Unser Finowkanal e.V.